We know an ingathering of many souls is coming. What will encourage the saints to move in revival glory? What will a healthy, as well as healing, fear of the Lord bring to the body of Christ? What will the Holy Spirit be doing when He comes amongst the saints? Will He bring restoration to millions? Will the gifts of the Holy Spirit be restored to everyone who names the Name of Jesus? Will relationships between Adam and Eve's offspring be healed? Will signs and wonders accompany the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Will all who call themselves 'Christian' realize denominationalism is not a God idea? Will we start to move in revelation power; deciding to forsake the showmanship of the world? Will all of Abraham's children come home; learning how to live in the same proverbial house? Will spiritual mothers be restored to the body of Christ as husbands and wives grow in the love of Christ? Will the body of Christ learn what it means to become the bride of Christ? Are there any real answers to these questions? Reverend Chris Meier shares what the Bible says about these topics and more in this insightful new book.
We are much closer to Jesus' return than many think. But as a young Christian, Rev. Meier didn't always understand what Jesus was trying to show her about this time period. Forty-two years later, the Lord gave her the title, and told her now is His time to share what He's been saying to her. This book is a work you will want to keep handy as you watch out for what our God, the Ancient of Days, is doing in these revival ingatherings
Available now by clicking here
" I think if more people read it, we can do something to turn this country around. " - Joseph Bilski, USN (Ret.)
" Well documented. A look at what is wrong in America and what needs to happen in order to correct course before it's too late." - L. Gainey
"The solutions offered at the end of this book are similar to solutions our founders 'found.' If political correctness handcuffs us from revealing history and a path toward solutions, we will indeed 'find' captivity."
Who flipped control from the people to the Federal government? When and how did it happen? Is every U.S. citizen financially on the hook for the country's debt? Is the U.S. falling apart? Who's telling the truth?
2017 Book Excellence Award winner in Social/Political Change. 2017 Finalist in The Best Book Awards: Law. 2017 double Finalist IAN BOTY Awards: History and General Non-Fiction.
For those with little time to read, the book is written in four sections. This enables you to jump from section to section without losing the flavor of the subject. Section One, for Christians, explaining the title and the difference between the religion of the founders then and today. Section Two, for the atheist, agnostic or faithful of another religion. Why there is a non-sectarian agreement built into the framework of our nation and why it matters. Section Three, the history, ideolgy, documentation: cataloged, along with its importance for national survival. Section Four, documented proof of America's captivity, along with solutions for our liberty.
Nominated 2003 Readers Choice Awards Charismatic book. An In-depth study of God's glory and what hinders revival today.
"Chris Meier is on a mission to help us recapture the presence of God's Glory." - Rev. John A. Kilpatrick, former Senior Pastor Brownsville Assembly of God, Pensacola, FL.
"What Meier has written is very foundational, and is required reading for all those who are serious about the Church moving into the latter day Kingdom work and Bridal preparation. Chris Meier is a minister that has a strong prophetic, teaching anointing." - Michele Parish, former Overseer, Prophetic Council, The River Church, Waupun, WI.